Sunday September 18th , 2022
LXG Invites all gamers to sell their stuff and pick up bargains at the LXG Annual Bring and Buy Sale. You will be able to leave your sale items with LXG on the day and play some games while you are waiting. The club will charge a fee of 10% of your total sales.
DROP OFF: Items can be dropped from 5 pm Saturday September 17 th , 2022 or between 7.30am and 9am on Sunday September 18th 2022. The sale will commence at 10am and close at 3pm on the Sunday.
PROCEDURE: You need to label each item for sale with a unique ID code and price and complete the form (see below) using the ID Code and a brief description of the item.
ID NUMBERS: Items should be marked with: first initial of both names then a 3 digit number (e.g. Fred Jones names his three items FJ001, FJ002 and FJ003).If your goods are sold, LXG will keep 10% of the sale price. LXG takes no responsibility for lost or missing items, once the form has been signed, however LXG members will be supervising the sale area at all times.
Any questions contact Keith Done at