This year we have nine players only qualified for the finals, and those players are also the top nine players in the standings. I have taken the decision to make this a top 9 final rather than a top 8 final so that Leanne doesn’t miss out. Special treatment!

The final prize pool stands at 64 packs. This means the finals will be a sealed deck game, using the packs from the pool.

The finals will start promptly at 2.00pm Sunday 7 December to allow time for deck building as well as the final melee. Please be there on time or I am likely to assume you can’t make it and we’ll start without you.

How it works:

Players will build their decks for the finals using 6 packs chosen by them from the pool.

Starting with the top player on the ladder (Anthony H), each player will choose 3 packs from the prize pool. We will then repeat this so that each player has 6 packs.

There will be 40 minutes for deck building. Basic lands will be provided but it never hurts to bring your own supplies.

When all decks are built we will determine seating and play to decide the 2014 champion.

The packs available this year are:

16 Gatecrash

14 Born of the Gods

11 Journey into Nyx

9 Theros

7 Return to Ravnica

2 Magic 2013

1 Magic 2011

1 Magic 2014

1 Fifth Dawn

1 Khans of Tarkir

1 Saviors of Kamigawa

The competing finalists this year are:

Anthony H, David K, Eddie C, Jeremy N, Keith D, Jay N, Adrian R, Alex Sp, and Leanne J.