A couple of interesting new releases came across my screen over the past few weeks, many that should be of interest to LXG members.

First up are the new Terraclips terrain packs from WorldWorksGames. These have been co-branded with miniatures games Malifaux, but the sets look versatile enough to add depth (and height!) to any miniatures-based game.

There’s a video review by Beasts of War here: http://www.beastsofwar.com/fantasy-wargaming/terraclips/

Alos on miniatures-based games, new fantasy board game Chaostle was previewed in the US recently and has been favourable received. Here’s it’s page on BoardGameGeek: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3627/chaostle

With over 300 games in our club library, you’d think we have enough. But no, we have never had enough!