When is it?
2.00pm sharp at the December 16 club meeting

What is the format?
The finals format will be sealed deck melee, using packs from the prize pool.

Who is involved?
The top 8 eligible players are invited to the finals, this year, that is also the top 8 on the ladder. If one or more players can’t make it to the finals on time, then their place will go to the next eligible player, a maximum of two places will be offered in this way.

Check out the final standings to see if you are in the top 8.

How does it work?
Starting with the player who is highest on the ladder, each players chooses three packs from the prize pool. When it comes back to the highest player, repeat. Now everyone has six packs to build their deck from.

With deckbuilding remember the minimum deck size is 40 cards, and you are allowed to have more than four of the same card in your deck – if you open it, you can use it. Basic lands will be provided.

Once everyone has built their deck, we will roll for random seating a play a melee. The winner of that will be the overall winner for 2012


To help you think about your choices, here are the packs currently in the prize pool:
Magic 2011 – 23 packs
Avacyn Restored – 18 packs
Return to Ravnica – 15 packs
New Phyrexia – 14 packs
Magic 2013 – 6 packs
9th Edition – 6 packs
Shadowmoor – 4 packs
Innistrad – 2 packs
Dark Ascension – 1 pack
Eventide – 1 pack
Magic 2012 – 1 pack
Worldwake – 1 pack

What about other prizes?
Each player in the finals will receive three prize packs in addition to their sealed pool, after the finals. Other prizes will be distributed to the players who finish 9-16, on the basis of one pack, plus one if you played in five or more rounds. Three packs will be put aside for anyone in the top 8 who can’t make the finals.

Any packs left after that… we’ll see. Most likely extra prizes to those outside the top 8.