With A Game of Games ready to kick off, it’s a good time to cover the basics.

To play A Game of Games, you need to:

1. Join LXG! This game is only open to club members. Joining on the day is fine.
2. Find a game and some people to play with
3. Make sure you grab one of these forms and fill it out

4. At the end of your game, note the position of each player and then hand in the sheet.
5. Goto 2 and repeat until you can’t play any more!

There will be an area set up near the canteen to drop off or collect sheets, and all the committee members have a supply so we shouldn’t run out.

You can check out the ranks at the ranks page here. As the Game progresses, members names will be noted against each rank. It’s a long journey to Godhood, but there’s plenty to achieve along the way.

Good luck and good gaming!