The big news is the number of players who gained a rank or more at Winter Retreat this year – 34!

Eddie C, the current ladder leader was one of those, becoming a Grand Duke. Well done Eddie!

The full list of new ranks after Winter Retreat 2013 is:

Eddie C: Grand Duke
David K, Keith D: Archduke
Alex D, Adrian R: Elector
Courtney J: Princess
Ross vS: Duke
Nigel B, Terry K, Daniel McG, Andrew W, Aris T: Count
Steve M, Darren C, Sam M, Jennah G, Mark W, Kat McG: Viscount/Viscountess
Mal O, Grace C, David B, Dylan S, Leigh R, Dustin H: Baron/Baroness
Peter B: Baronet
Paul F, Callum Sp, Tom R: Knight
Sallie M, Rachel vS, Michelle H, Jessica H, Tony H, Julian vS: Esquire

Well done everyone, games from before dawn to well after dark!

Check out the new scores on the updated Game of Games page.