Sunday October 20 is our next club meeting, and it looks like being a busy day. I am sure that many of you are overdue for your gaming fix, as it has been a five week gap between club meetings, as sometimes happens.

Our Grand Melee League moves into its 10th round of the year. Only this month and next remain to secure your spot in the December finals. A new magic set, Theros, was released this months, and packs will be available to club members for $5, should you want to taste the new set, or simply buy your entry pack for the grand melee round.

The library of board games will be available, and our Thunderstone and Agricola leagues continue, so if you are fans of either of those two games, have a look round for some people to play with, they won’t be hard to find!

You can also rack up points for your next Game of Games rank, and pick up any badges from ranks you have earned to date.

Also if you are interested in attending our new Summer Advance games camp, the make yourself known at the counter.

The meeting starts at 9.00am so see you then!