This isn’t usually the kind of site for book reviews, but then Reality is Broken is not the usual type of book. Written by Jane McGonigal, veteran game designer (computer games), she takes on the thesis that games are a powerful motivator and also a tool for humans to experience reality have fun. As she quotes in the book, “the opposite of play isn’t work, it’s depression.”

Ms McGonigal spends most of the book looking at how ‘normal’ activities (work, school, etc) do not give the same fulfilment as game playing does, and takes a serious look at ways in which games and game-like structures can be incorporated into those activities to make them more intellectually and emotionally rewarding.

Her background is computer games, though many of the examples she cites (levelling up, achievements, experience and attribute points) and apply equally to the board games, card games and miniatures games we play at LXG.

If you’ve ever wondered how to bring more games into your life, this book is a useful and thought-provoking read. The LXG committee is also thinking more in this direction, so watch this space!

For those who’d like to learn more about Jane, try the website, or TED talk.