Since Magic: The Gathering was released back in 1993, there have been a lot of card innovations. Many of our Grand Melee players stopped buying the new cards a while ago. Others are still avid collectors and some are just starting out.

One aspect has remained constant throughout all the design upheavals and new card faces – the back of the card.

Not any more!

The forthcoming set, Innistrad, will have cards with two faces and no back. Mainly to allow for a night/day transformation of some creatures from human to werewolf and back again. The details are on the Wizards website. My first reaction on the werewolves is that they look interesting, but on the Grand Melee table they will be flipping up and down so often it might not be worth the bother. The other two-faced cards look promising however.

Will this destroy Magic forever? I seem to have heard that before…