Warmachine and Hordes

Battle Box Bash!

The B.B.B. is an escalation campaign using Warmachine and Hordes Battle Boxes as a starting point.

The rules are designed for a fun campaign rather than serious tournament style play.

Your army must use the official battle box (or equivalent) for your faction. A few unofficial battle boxes for Minions and Mercenary and Retribution have been created but not sold by PP and these can also be used. Please contact me if you unsure what is in you battle box force.

Because points for the various Battle Boxes can vary from 8 to 13 points in order to start from the same level please add models to your battle box to have a 15 point army.

Tier Lists are allowed

Any games can be played at LXG meetings throughout 2011 and 2012 though this is not compulsory, you can playe xtra games out of session if you like.


December – February 15 points (Must include your Battle Box)

March – May 25 points (Must include your Battle Box)

June – August 35 points (Must include your Battle Box) in this period we hope to run a 1 day tournament though CMIC (Cooinda Multiannual invitational Clash). This will be confirmed closer to the date.

September – November 50 points (Included Battle Box) may sub the Warcaster / Warlock from the battle box in this period we hope to run a 1 day tournament though LXG (League of Extraordinary Gamers)

By the end of November 2012 we should all have a painted 50 point army and possibly two 35 point lists suitable for tournament play.

1 point per game (Per person played) includes both inside and outside the campaign is
1 point for playing the game with a fully painted force (all games count)
1 point per win (all games count)

The goal of B.B.B. is to learn the in-and-outs of a new faction for WM and Hordes and paint some great models – finish the League with a great looking 50 point army or even two playable 35 point list armies and most important have fun playing games!