This post comes courtesy of our Club President, Keith Done. Merry Christmas everyone!

The December meeting was another well-attended meeting. Despite the close proximity to Christmas, there were fifty-five people present at midday. Thanks to everyone who brought a plate of goodies to share and for Jason and Ado for organising the free pizzas.

Two of the club’s 2009 leagues wound up with Leanne Jones taking out “Puerto Rico” and David Kay winning the Magic: the Gathering Grand Melee. Congratulations to both champions! Look out for those leagues in 2010 and new leagues starting up (such as Viewpoint and Battletech).

At the December meeting I played Last Night on Earth and few games of Aquaretto. Other games I saw being played included Warhammer Fantasy, Memoir 44, Powergrid, Torres, Caylus, Puerto Rico. Magic: the Gathering, DnD Miniatures, Carcasonne, Talisman, Ticket to Ride and Settlers of Catan. The junior members were busy playing Jenga, Mouse Trap, Labyrinth and Chicken Cha-Cha.

2009 has been a pretty good year at LXG with many new faces joining the club, an excellent Winter Retreat and two great Legends weekends. I am sure we will continue to grow in 2010 and will see a lot more ongoing structured events as initiated by David Kay (Magic) and Terry Krause (Puerto Rico).

Merry Christmas to all LXG members and I hope Santa brings you lots of things containing dice, cards, figures and CD-ROMs.

