There were a lot of cool things to see and do at PAX this year, too many to remember, never mind list. Below I’ve written out those I think would be most interesting to members of LXG.

1. Syrinscape
There were a number of booths where you could see new and forthcoming Australian games on the computer or the tabletop. Syrinscape was one such, its an app for role-playing groups that creates mood music for your adventures across a number of themes. What struck me was the excellent artwork being used for the backgrounds to each theme, and I had a long chat with the reator about play mats for games such as Magic: the Gathering. I think a number of the Syrinscape arts would look great on a playmat.

2. Mike & Jerry
It was nice to attend a Q&A session with the creators. Somehow, they made a gathering with over 1,000 people feel like a close-knit conversation. Questions and answers ranged over many topic including inclusiveness in gaming, naming a scientific instrument (Worldsieve), and their discoveries in Australia so far.

3. Magic Q&A
The Magic Q&A session took is through all planned releases in Magic for the rest of this year, and also their plans for experiential play over the forthcoming Theros block, between now and next May. I’ve written about this one in more detail on my own blog.

4. Game Design
I attended a very interesting seminar on games design, which was informative from the start of an idea to the ins and outs of manufacturing, publication, and sales. I took notes, so if you’re eager for more info come and see me at the August meeting.

5. The Costumes
The costumes were awesome, well done to everyone who made the effort!

6. The Start of Something Big
This was the first PAX AUS, it will not be the last, as the event is now a new permanent fixute on the gaming calendar. Jerry was at pains to point this out, both at the event, and since then on the PA site.