Another busy day, the hall was filled up by 10.30 but fortunately the very large fans installed plus open windows kept things fresh. Lots of board game favourites were brought out along with some new games, and we had quite a variety of miniatures games this month.

Among the games being played this month were:
Ad Astra
Battlestar Galactica
Castle Ravenloft
Dystopian Wars
Game of Thrones Card Game
Lord of the Rings Card Game
Magic: The Gathering
Puerto Rico
Settlers of Catan
Small World
War of the Ring
War Machine

This month’s meeting also saw the big announcement of A Game of Games, which will officially start next month. Quite a few people were unofficially keeping score this month to see how much they got (I got 17 points!).

Our Dominion 4-player league was also launched this month. You can play up to ten 4-player games of Dominion in the league.