Here is the list of winners from the Winter Legends week-end. If you weren’t at the last meeting and your name is on the list below, we still have your framed winners certificate for you to collect. Congratulations to all!

Overall Winners
Legends of Winter First Place Champion: David Morton
Legends of Winter Second Place Champion (dead heat): Steven Maher
Legends of Winter Second Place Champion: (dead heat) Alex Done
Legends of Winter Third Place Champion: David Kay

Individual Game Winners
Castle Ravenloft: Alex Done
Castle Raveloft: Luke Van Someren
Castle Ravenloft: Ross Van Someren
Dominion: Andrew Wilcockson
Ad Astra: Andrew Wilcockson
Magic: the Gathering (David Kay)
Magic: the Gathering (Adrian Roberts)
Smallworld (Megan Buckley)
Power Grid (Peter Reardon)
Twilight Imperium: (Steven Maher)

Note: Some players participated in multiple sessions of the same game, hence there are winners for the same game. Individual game awards were only given to games that had 4+ players, however points in games that had less than 4 players were added to the score for determining Overall Legends Winners

(with the new computers and scoring system with A Game of Games, we will be able to print certificates and announce winners at the end of the event, rather than a month later!)